Wellness: Let's get started!

get to know dr. cracroft podcast Mar 17, 2022
Dr. Mallorie Cracroft

Did you know I have a podcast? I do! And I'm so excited to share it with you. You can listen to it here or read it below if that's more your style. This first episode is where you get to know me and my approach to wellness. I'll also tell you about my own wellness journey and give you some ideas to get started. Here it is!

Hello everybody, this is Dr. Mallorie Cracroft, and I am your host for this brand new podcast. This podcast is called "Uplift for Her", and it's a podcast for everyday wellness for women. And I am so excited to be here. This has been something I've been thinking about for a long time and wanting to get started, and I'm so happy to see it finally come to fruition. So thank you for joining me here with this. I wish you were here in person, so we could just sit and have a conversation, but this will have to do. We are talking about wellness, obviously, and wellness is something I have become very passionate about over the years. It's not something that's always been a huge emphasis in my life, I would say. But over the past couple years especially it's been something that's become very, very important to me.

Personally, through my practice, I'm an OB/GYN and have been for about 10 years, and more and more so, I see women who are struggling with various things that don't seem to quite know where to go to get help, so they come to their gynecologist. And sometimes I can help them. But sometimes, within that capacity of being a physician, it's not really something I can help them with, either they're just not feeling like themselves or they're tired all the time, but we can't seem to find a medical explanation for it. And this is where wellness comes in, and that's actually what drove me to start learning more about wellness. I noticed that there were lots of people around me who were doing okay, but not great. And I noticed myself that I was stuck in a rut, that I just felt like I would keep wanting to improve my health and then couldn't do what I wanted to do. Or I wanted to have a different lifestyle with my work and mom life balance, but just couldn't quite get there, and instead ended up driving back and forth from work, thinking every day about how I could change things, how I could change my routine. And it prompted me to learn more about wellness in general, but also thought work and especially root cause medicine. And this opened up a huge new world for me that I've become really passionate about and hope to be able to share with you. And I'm hoping that it will be really, really helpful for you. So thank you for being here. Thank you for your support.

Just a little about me. I, as I mentioned, have been an OB/GYN for about 10 years. I studied at, first, Brigham Young University, where I majored in choral education, music education for choir, and was a choir teacher for very brief period of my life. And then I moved on to medical school at the University of Washington and then on to residency, first a year in Virginia, and then the rest of it here in Salt Lake, where I was hired onto a group of OB/GYNs and I've been there ever since. So I wanted to start by talking about wellness how I see it.

Now, the most important parts about wellness for me and the approach to wellness is that we keep it simple. It has to be simple. And that's one of the things I see that is the most frustrating to me when I see Instagram accounts or listen to podcasts and it can be so overcomplicated. And instead of us feeling better about our lives and our wellness and our health, we end up feeling either like we're failures and we're never gonna be able to achieve this life that they say we can, or we end up just overwhelmed with information and turn it off and walk away from it. So one of my goals is to provide information and tips and tricks for us to incorporate these aspects of wellness into our lives right now, today, tomorrow, and be able to really start to see big changes with this simple approach. I want us to feel good. I want us to have great lives. And I want us to be able to notice what we can control and learn how to control things, like a lot of our thoughts. I want to notice what we can't control and let those things go, like our spouses or our children. And this is a big piece of what can bring us ultimate wellness and happiness in life. And I want us to be happy. I want us to do well. And you'll notice that I say us because this is very much a journey for me too. I'm right here with you. I am a woman just like you, who is trying to live well and feel good and accomplish the things that I want to accomplish in the best way possible. So I am right here with you. 

Listen to or read the remainder of this podcast episode here.


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