Episode 4: Physical Wellness With Madeline Hardacre

In this episode we continue with our discussion of the 6 main wellness pillars as we discuss physical wellness. Dr. Madeline Hardacre joins us to talk about her experience as a physician, health coach and life coach for women. You’ll hear about some great tips for jump-starting your physical wellness, important for the woman who doesn’t know where to start, or the woman who feels like she’s plateaued and is looking for a boost!

With over 20 years of experience in women’s health, board certified in Ob-Gyn and lifestyle medicine, Dr. Madeline Hardacre works with women to optimize their heath and wellbeing. She is a certified life coach by The Life Coach School, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, lover of plant-based nutrition and culinary medicine, Ultra-marathoner, wife and mother to 3 wild and crazy teens / young adults.

You can find out more about Madeline below:

IG @womenshealthelevated